Deb Shapiro, author of YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND, Decoding the Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Messages that Underlie Illness, explains how vital the role of your mind and emotions are to your health.
In Woody Allen's movie, Annie Hall, Diane Keaton wants to know why he isn't angry. "I don't get angry," Allen replies, "I grow a tumor instead."
I recently had a burst appendix and I am immensely grateful for medical intervention that saved my life. I know that illness is real, that accidents happen, and how medicine can help. So I am not writing this to try and convince you that the sole reason for your illness is in your mind, and that you must have done something wrong or are to blame for being ill. Nor I am not saying that simply by understanding how the mind and body work together that you will be able to miraculously cure yourself of whatever it is that ails you.
What I am saying is that the role of the mind and emotions in your state of health is a vital one. Read more