There are some great natural remedies to lighten hair - no need for purchased hair dyes if you have dirty blonde or mouse colored hair.
The best, purest and most natural way to get those real blonde highlights is to be out in the sun. Lie face down with clothing covering your skin and spread your hair out to drink in the rays of sunlight. Or just get out in the sun more. Anyone with blonde to medium brown hair will find that it is always lighter in summer - provided you do not stay indoors all of the time.
Do not overdo it of course. You must be careful not to become sunburned. Use a strong sun blocker on all exposed skin, and you may also consider using sun cream on your scalp.
Swimming in either a pool or the sea and then letting your hair dry in the sun is a great way to lighten it. It's great exercise, too!
However, some of us live in climates where there is very little sun for many months of the year. What do we do then?
Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix small amounts of household ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. Warning: it will smell bad! Test on a small area of skin near the ear and wait 24 hours to see if there is any allergic reaction. If not, mix a fresh batch and apply to hair. Rinse off when developed. You may also want to test on a strand of hair.
Never use household bleach or any other chlorine-based product on your hair. This can destroy your hair, cause terrible damage to your skin, and possibly kill you with the fumes.
Lemon Juice
Squeeze one fresh lemon. It should give you about two tablespoons of juice. Mix this with three times the quantity of water and apply to dry hair. Leave for several hours before rinsing out. Do this every day, and your highlights should become lighter in a very natural looking way.
You may want to use more of the lemon juice/water mixture if you have very long hair and less if you have short hair.
Ordinary tea can lighten brown hair - seems crazy given the color that it is - but it's true! Make tea to a normal strength that you would drink, let it cool and then rinse your hair with it.
It is best to test a strand before using tea on your whole head. If your hair is already a light shade, it may darken it.
Some of these methods can leave your hair rather dry, so be sure to use a good conditioner for blonde hair. Shampoos and conditioners containing chamomile are great for fair hair.
Going out in the sun after using any of these natural remedies to lighten hair will increase their effectiveness.
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Natural Remedies to Lighten Hair
Natural Remedies to Lighten Hair
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